Working Process
Our project will start in October and end in February.
1. Determination of project partners
2. Introduction webinar, project presentation.
3.Poster, logo, word cloud studies
4. School-province-district promotions
5. Application of project pre-test questionnaires
6. Obtaining parental permits.
7.Distribution of duties
8.Preparing school boards
9.Codeweek events creation
10.STEM research and sharing of documents received
11.3 monthly STEM activity plans in 3 paper themes
12.Implementation of our first STEM Activity Plan
13.How to make a balloon car? creation of the joint product
1. Determining the project logo with the survey
2. Expansion work
3.Student meeting webinar
4. Implementation of our second STEM Activity Plan
5.Creation of slogan joint product
1. Implementation of our second STEAM Activity Plan
2. Expansion work
3.New year calendar studies
4. Creation of our joint poetry
5.Implementation of our third STEM Activity Plan
6.Creation of story and mixed school team joint product
7.Creation of virtual exhibition co-product
1.Creation of the joint product of stem activity plans
2.Celebrating Isaac Newton's birthday
3.Making and analyzing teacher, student and parent result questionnaires
4. Preparation of participation certificates
5.Teacher / student closing webinar
6. Final project evaluation videos and preparation of the evaluation report